
Business News 28/9/21

Business News WA spoke to Directors, Shane Roberts & Colin Burdle about the decision to manufacture in Perth and the benefits it has brought to their operations.

Finalist in the Australia by Design Innovations TV Series on Network 10

A Finalist in the Australia by Design Innovations TV Series on Network 10, featured on Ready Set Reno on 9NOW. See what’s been said in the MEDIA about our award-winning, Funky Monkey Bars.

Funky Monkey Bars Features On 9NOW

Did you see our Australian-made Funky Monkey Bars feature on last weekend’s episode of Ready Set Reno on 9NOW on TV & online?

Fremantle Herald - Monkey Business

Check out the latest news article in the Fremantle Herald. click here to read the article.



Funky Monkey Bars featured on the KidsStyleFile Website.


Check this out. 

The Ninja has been featured in the kidsonthecoast and kidsinthecity magazine.

Celebrity renovators GIVEAWAY OFFER on The Original Funky Monkey Bar

Celebrity home renovators Michael and Carlene Duffy, who made their mark on Channel 9’s The Block and Reno Rumble, were so impressed with their new Funky Monkey Bar that they’ve teamed up with us for a fantastic giveaway of The Original Funky Monkey Bar on their website Cedar & Suede.

Kids in Adelaide

Kids in Adelaide posted a fantastic, honest review when they installed a Funky Monkey Bar in the backyard.  The candid response was brilliant.

Nope they're not cheap...and you know why...because they're made STRONG, made to LAST and made to GROW with your kids.  We need to stop buying cheap crap that lasts a few months and start investing in great quality toys.

Kids in the City & Kids on the Coast

Queensland parenting publications, Kids in the City & Kids on the Coast love our Funky Monkey Bars.  Check out their review here...

As fans of outdoor play we put the rungs to the test and our mini testers gave it a serious thumbs up...


Amy Zempilas and her gorgeous kids visited us recently and posted a great review.  Check out what Amy had to say ...

The kids and I had such a fun morning checking out Funky Monkey bars – started by an Aussie family who wanted to see their kids spend more time playing outdoors.