Funky Monkey Bars annual GOLDEN RUNG GIVEAWAY campaign has brought joy around Australia including a very happy Dunbar family in Northmead, New South Wales who unwrapped a GOLDEN RUNG on Christmas eve.
The Dunbars received a full refund on the The Gorilla plus Pull-Up Bar by Funky Monkey Bars making it one very, merry Christmas!
Share your photos or videos of Summertime fun on Funky Monkey Bars on our social pages for your chance to WIN one of three Funky Gift Cards totalling $1,000.
Capture the Summertime beauty of your backyard and the joy of kids at play.
Family man and Fremantle Dockers legend David Mundy and Sally Mundy were early adopters of the NEW Troop by Funky Monkey Bars and they’re already reaping the benefits in backyard play for their whole family.
Watch-on as David and Sally and their three children take on the challenge of The NEW Troop by Funky Monkey Bars.
Check out the grins on these two young Victorian lads who've just found out they've WON the best outdoor play equipment in Australia, including The Gorilla by Funky Monkey Bars, as the winners of the Ultimate Backyard Giveaway with 10K in prizes.
Read on as Funky Monkey Bars chats with Mum of two boys, Megan of Glen Iris, about their WIN in a Q & A ...Funky Monkey Bars has been recognised as one of Australia’s best designers with an invitation to exhibit at the The Big Design Market in Sydney and Melbourne in 2019.
The Big Design Market in Sydney is coming up soon on September 20 – 22, in the Cutaway at Barangaroo Reserve giving Sydney-siders an opportunity to play and order Funky Monkey Bars for a pre-Christmas delivery.
Funky Monkey Bars asked Potential Therapy Services for Children Occupational Therapist, Hollie Rogan about how she uses monkey bars in her therapy program for kids.
“Monkey bars are a great tool for regulation, providing deep proprioceptive and vestibular input like hanging upside down, or swinging. They’re also great for the development of gross motor skills - such as core strength, motor-strength and motor planning and co-ordination."
As Funky Monkeys Bars gears up for a stylish week at Melbourne’s Flower and Garden Show we asked a couple of home style experts, “Why Funky Monkey Bars in the backyard?.”
A new study out this week has found the more play equipment you have in the backyard the more active your child will be, yet only one-third of all Australian pre-schoolers are getting enough exercise.
The Christmas spirit was sparkling on Christmas Eve when the last two of the three golden rungs in the Golden Rung Giveaway competition were found in Rockhampton in far north Queensland and Melbourne.
"Thank you for making our Christmas so special and giving that Charlie Bucket feeling. You shared the spirit of Christmas with us in such a memorable way and we are so grateful," said Melbourne Mum, Sarah.
We love to show-off our Funky Monkey Bars in all 16 fabulous variations, in eight magnificent colours because we are super proud of the products we make right here in Yangebup, Western Australia. Come on down to the Funky Monkey Bars Open Day, Saturday November 10, 11am to 4pm and see for yourself, buy and pick-up or have delivered ready for the best family Christmas.
In the spirit of Roald Dahl, Funky Monkey Bars is repeating its hugely popular Golden Rung Giveaway and has this year planted THREE golden rungs in boxes being delivered to three lucky customers before Christmas.
If you unwrap a golden rung you receive a full refund on the purchase price of your Funky Monkey Bar and in the words of Willy Wonka himself, “So shines a good deed in a weary world.” ...